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Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please, help your daughter to revise some ICT basic skills according to her grade that she did independently during Term 1.

The ICT skills, that she did at school, are as follows:


1) Open a new power point file

2) Save well your new power point file

Hint: Remember to locate the correct folder to save your new power point file.Then click on this folder to open. Afterwards, give the filename. Please, write in the filename box: yourgrade-your name and the title of the file. Example 1 for power point 1: Grade6A-MsElizabeth-timestables /

Example 2: Grade6A-MsElizabeth-Christmas Cards

3) Insert new slides in your power points/Click on the Save button

4) Fill in your power points: power point 1: insert a shape, write in it and edit the shape/ power point 2: download Christmas backgrounds, insert the backgrounds, write Christmas poems and insert a Christmas song./ Save your power point  file by clicking on the Save button


Thank you! Ms Elizabeth

ICT Gr6 Revision 2:

Term 1:Sept/Oct/Nov/December

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