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ICT Pre-Grade Revision:

Term 1:Oct/Nov/Dec.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please, help your daughter to revise some ICT basic skills according to her grade that she did independently at school. Other skillls you may do for her as the ICT teacher did for her.

The ICT steps, that she did at school, are as follows:

1) Hold correctly the mouse, move, point and click on Firefox at the bottom of the computer.                                                                                                  (The young student should do Step 1 all by herself at the end of Term 1: Oct-Nov.Dec.)

2) On Google screen, click on Bookmarks                                                                         (The parents can do this step for their daughter and click for her at Term 1)

3) Click on the bookmarked educational site                                                                (The parents can do this step for their daughter and click for her at Term 1)

4) Play and learn this bookmarked educational site                                                 (The young student should do Step 4 all by herself  under her parents supervision)

5) At the end of sometime playing online, close all internet links                                           

(The young student should do Step 5 all by herself  under her parents supervision)

Hint: The parents can create a shortcut for Internet Firefox in the Status Bar of their computer to help their young daughter to play independently,  under their supervision.

Educational site suggested:  Starfall - ABC


Offline software: Dowload Tux Paint - click here   (Windows 7)

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